Robertson Public School

A quality education in a caring, innovative environment

Telephone02 4885 1284

Learning Goals/Success Criteria

Learning Goals: WALT (We Are Learning To)


The learning intention of a lesson or series of lessons tells students what they should know, understand and be able to do. At Robertson Public School we refer to this as WALT, a learning Intention or a learning Goal. All students are told what the learning intention is at the beginning of each lesson.  

We have  class goals and individual goals for each student. Individual learning goals and targets aim to improve students' learning and achievement and build students' capacity to learn. Students and teachers are responsible for setting goals. We have found that students who set their own learning goals have more confidence to take on more challenging tasks, regardless of their ability. When setting student goals we use the ISMART system. All goals need to be:

I - Inspiring

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Realistic

T - Timely

Success Criteria: WILF (What I'm Looking For)

Success criteria help teachers to decide whether their students have achieved the learning intention. The success criteria also answer the same question from the point of view of the student:

At Robertson Public School we refer to success criteria as WILF. All students are told what the teacher is looking for is at the beginning of each lesson.  Teachers can also provide students with rubrics which will provide students with the success criteria and also with descriptions of a number of different levels of performance in relation to those criteria.

Exemplars are used to show students what standard a certain piece of work should aim for. This is sometimes referred to as a WAGGOL ( What A Good One Looks Like)